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NHS Enfield Travel Survey / improving facilities for active transport

By: NHS Enfield

Increase in % of people cycling to work, Good publicity, Increase in % of people undertaking physical activity at lunchtime

Travel Survey to identify base line and then prioritise improvements of facilities with the aim of increasing the number of staff and patients engaged with active transport.

Holbrook House, Cockfosters, EN4 0DR

Pressure on car parking, Business continuity – i.e. how staff could come into work in event of public transport failure, and staff health and fitness.

MottMac Consultancy – collated survey, put together public transport maps, they were the drivers of the project.



£9.5k consultancy fees, £400 printing costs, 6k infrastructure development (upgrading shower room and cycle parking)

Transport for London travel web-based survey on transport habits.

Pandemic flu (staff absence and changing priorities). Project was additional to workload and therefore could be difficult to find time to implement.

Glenn Stewart, Assistant Director of Public Health, glenn.stewart@enfield.nhs.uk, 0208 370 8199